Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Snow White

We love the Little Theater on the Square in Sullivan, Illinois...and most summers we get season tickets to their childrens series. Well, this summer things were just too busy! In June they put on Pinocchio, but it was while we were in Minnesota. In July they did Dora's Pirate Adventure, but we really weren't interested and in August they did Snow White. So we've been to a lot of shows there, but this one was definitely one of our favorites. They did such a fantastic job! It had comedy, it had music...even Hattie was standing in her seat dancing!

The Witch Wicked (The Evil Queens sister) was a man dressed as a woman, and he stole the show! A friend of the family, Abby Held filled the role of the dwarf "Picker" so we had to get our picture with them. Leah even got autographs on her program. I wish they could do the Children's shows year long. The girls always have such a good time. Thanks for taking us, Gigi!

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