Monday, September 15, 2014

Busch Stadium

If you know our family at ALL, you know just how much we LOVE the Cardinals! Love might actually be an understatement. I for one, am borderline obsessed. When we first moved to our new home and I couldn't watch Cardinal games for awhile I was going crazy. And what I love even more than my team is that my husband shares my love for the team. It's become our "thing"! When our nest is empty and the kids are long gone we will go to games and celebrate the wins and lament the losses together. And the girls are getting old enough now, that they are totally into it too! They recognize a game on TV and cheer for our team. They look at the score and say "yay, we're winning!" Even Hattie at two years old likes to throw her arms up and yell "Go Cardinals!"

About a year and a half ago, Brooke Boyer took pictures of the girls for me and she mentioned that she was tossing around the idea of doing Busch Stadium photo shoots. For once, Mitch was all for me spending money on pictures. We told her we were definitely interested, so this photo shoot was a year in the making. We paid for it in April and the date was set. Of course the summer was totally mild but the hottest day of the summer was the day we were on the field. It was 100 degrees in St. Louis with a heat index of was a scorcher! Fortunately you can't tell in the pictures...but even the cotton candy melted! I couldn't be more thrilled with how they turned out. They are already hanging proudly in my home. Go Cardinals!!!

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