Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Grandparents Day!

Last week, McGaughey Elementary School hosted Grandparents day! This is just one of the reasons I am so thankful that we made the decision to move back closer to home. Of course, Gigi came to spend the morning with Leah. And of course, Leah was super excited to share everything "1st grade" with her Gigi. Blessed doesn't even begin to describe how I feel at times. My kids live close enough to family that they have a very close relationship with them. I remember being close to cousins when I was growing up, but I didn't see my granparents regularly. The closeness between Gigi and the girls is a special sort of love. I know this winter when she goes to Arizona for a few months there will be lots of phone calls and face timing because all three girls will be lost without Gigi.

Anyway, at Grandparents day Leah got to show Gigi her school, and all the fun things that she is doing in 1st grade. They even got to write a journal entry. Leah wrote about how Gigi takes her and her sisters and cousins to the  movies. She thinks it is so much fun and they really like popcorn. The day was a success. That night as I was getting ready for bed I got a text message. I opened it up and it was this selfie picture of Gigi and Leah. I cried. What a special bond these two have. And what an amazing Grandma to remember to capture this special day!

I was missing my own Grandmother this past week. The weekend marked two years since she passed. She loved seeing my girls, and I always take comfort in knowing she got to meet Hattie before she passed. I know she loved seeing them and I know she is still watching over them. Ever since she was born people, myself included have recognized how very much Leah looks like Grandma Schaumburg. We get to carry her on in our hearts with Leah's smile.

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