Friday, January 16, 2015

Hattie's Head Wound

Well, it happened. My sweet baby, finally had her first trip to the Emergency Room. It was a normal Wednesday night. I had actually commented to Mitch that it was a boring night...never again. Around 8 o'clock, the girls were watching their bed time show, and it had to be about over. When we heard Hattie scream. Leah ran up the stairs yelling that "Bug hit Hattie" and Kiersten was on Leah's heels saying "Hattie fell on the treadmill". Mitch and I were already halfway down the stairs when he scooped up Hattie and ran her to the kitchen and I went to look at the treadmill. The treadmill was all folded up and shut off. Hattie was in tears at first, and it quickly calmed down, but Mitch and I both knew we were heading to the hospital. Thankfully my friend and neighbor Holly was able to come over and get the other two to bed.

We got to the hospital and Hattie was as happy as could be. She played Monkey Preschool in the lobby. She charmed the nurse talking all about Elsa and Anna. We had about a 30 minute wait from arriving, to triage, to getting placed in a room. It was nearing 9 o'clock and well past her bedtime, but she showed no signs of slowing down. We could not get her to relax and lay down in the hospital bed. She called Gigi, played with the TV remote. Played Monkey Preschool, Starfall and Princess Puzzles on the iPad. When the social worker came in and asked what happened Hattie clear as day said "Buggy hit me pizza." So there it was! The girls had been playing with the Melissa and Doug toys and the big wooden Pizza paddle made contact with little Hattie's head.

The doctor came in and looked and said she needed staples. They wanted to put a numbing cream on it before giving her the shots. So another 20 minutes later they applied the ointment. Another 20 minutes after that the doctor and nurse came in to see our patient. She was singing them songs. She repeatedly asked for a makeover. It was hilarious. The doctor told her she was going to get "sparkly jewels in her hair". So now Hattie thinks shes a princess and doesn't want to get them out. She never cried through the whole ordeal...5 shots in the head to numb it, and then 5 staples. YIKES!!! She's got some serious pain tolerance. It was probably 11:30 when we got home and easily midnight before she got to bed.

Then next morning Bug woke up to check on her. I told her how Hattie had said she got hit with the pizza paddle, and then Bug fessed up that she actually threw it at her. I told Kiersten that she needed to say sorry to her sister, to which she replied "Well, she threw a little person at me" so Hattie immediately apologized, and Kiersten told her she forgave her. WHAT?!?!? That was not how the talk was supposed to go, but Kiersten was very remorseful. She really did feel bad and told me later that she was scared Hattie was going to die. I think I may take her with next week to get the staples out. I think there may some actual tears for that one...from Hattie and mom!

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