Sunday, February 15, 2015

New Friends

I'm so proud of Leah and how well she has adjusted to Mt. Zion. I was worried that making new friends might be difficult for her...but it hasn't been a problem in the least. Audrey, Landon, Lucy, Ryne, Ella...shes always talking about her school friends. The picture above is of her and Ella. They do tumbling together too, and have become fast friends. At least once a week there are notes in Leah's bag that they have been passing back and forth. "Ask your mom if we can have a playdate!" It's adorable. Ella's mom was able to attend their Valentines Party yesterday and she posted this picture of the girls for me. I wasn't able to help, with two little ones in tow. We just might have to make this playdate happen sooner, than later. AND we just found out that Audrey is moving in on the next street over. Our circle just keeps getting bigger and bigger, and our cup continues to runneth over.

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