Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Back to School

How is summer over already! Don't get me wrong, somedays I was totally ready to send them back, but others I enjoyed the leisure of not being so scheduled every.single.day! Last night we had kindergarten orientation at McGaughey Elementary. Bug was thrilled. She got to see her room, meet her teacher, sit at her desk. Then while they talked to the parents she got a tour of the school and got to try out the playground. Her teacher this year is Mrs. Reatherford and I know she will be wonderful.

After visiting McGaughey, Leah had orientation at the Grade School. I missed the beginning because I was still at McGaughey with Bug, but we made it in time for the classroom visit. Leah's teacher this year is Mrs. Hatayama. In a weird twist of fate, she is friends with my friend Ellen, and everyone assures us that we will love her. She seemed very nice. Leah knew 4 kids in her class and didn't seem nervous at all.

When they got home from school Leah told me that her bus buddy is Audrey Brent...which is fantastic since they were in the same class last year. And Bug gets to sit with her sweet friend Cayde White! I didn't have much time to think about Kiersten starting kindergarten this morning. As I followed the bus to the school I started to feel the emotions welling up. She was so excited getting off the bus and walking into school...and I was so proud and then I got to the car and cried. Oh well...maybe I will be used to this growing up stuff by the time Hattie gets there, but I doubt it. They are going to have a great year!

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