Saturday, January 28, 2017

Shopkins Party

Our dear friends, Ryan and Carrie Adler have always been wonderful gift givers. Every Christmas...okay, well usually in January, a Christmas gift shows up for the girls. This year they registered them for a Shopkins Art Party at the Decatur Arts Council. Not only was this a great gift for the girls, it was a great gift for Mitch and I!

Mitch has been travelling quite a bit for his new position so we were able to go out on a much needed date night. I wish I had more pictures, but when you aren't there it's hard to get them. But the girls had a great time. They got to trade shopkins with the other kids, and Kiersten won the art contest. Leah created Ellie Earring and they made some great stuff. And of course there was pizza and candy. It was a win for everyone! Thanks so much, Adlers!!!

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