Wednesday, September 13, 2017

Grandparents Day

Grandparents day has come and gone for Mt. Zion Schools, and once again we feel so fortunate that Gigi and Papa are close enough to come spend the day with our girls. Unfortunately they aren't all on the same day. Leah's was Monday morning. So Gigi made it to Intermediate at 10AM. She got to meet Leah's teacher and spend an hour in her classroom doing activities. She even stayed and had lunch with Leah. Leah ordered her cafeteria pizza from the lunch menu. Gigi was a trooper!

Hattie's grandparents day was on Tuesday evening. Hattie was thrilled to show Gigi her classroom and introduce her to her teacher, but for the most part, Hattie just wanted Gigi to watch her play on the playground. Whatever works!

Kiersten's class was celebrating Grandparents day on Wednesday. And Gigi was actually on a plane to Arizona. But she made sure that Kiersten got some Gigi time too. After dance on Tuesday night she took her to McDonald's for a Happy Meal. You can't beat that. But not to fear...Papa stepped up and came to Kiersten's class for Grandparents day. Bug told me that Papa was getting an extra grandkid for the day and that her friend Shayla was paired up with them. I chuckled and asked Kiersten if she told her teacher that her Papa isn't real warm and fuzzy? But Kiersten said they had a great time. They were even having the book fair in the school library and Papa bought both of the girls a little treat! A good time was had by all.

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