Friday, November 1, 2019

Merry Halloween!

It happened! For the first time in I don’t even know how long we had snow for Halloween. It was snowing before we even left the house in the morning! It continued to snow off and on all day. We had small accumulation...but that wasn’t even the problem. It was a brisk 32 degrees for trick or treating!!!

That morning they received special treats from Mrs. Rozanski in the Junior High Office. They each got a bag of nostalgic candy. There was Boston baked beans, Chico sticks, sugar daddy’s, candy cigarettes...but the wax lips were the best. Mitch has just returned from his European work trip. so he picked Hattie up from school and I grabbed Leah and Kiersten and we managed to make it to Charleston around 4:40. Gigi has been getting stronger everyday and she actually made a pot of chili. We had a quick dinner and then the kids took off on Deerfield. When we finished up at Gigi’s we did a quick lap around another nearby neighborhood in Charleston and headed home. When we got back to Mt. Zion the girls went to a few houses on our street. Their bags were overflowing! Another very Happy Halloween for the Schultz crew.

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