Sunday, June 7, 2020

Finger Rock Canyon

Today we decided to get outdoors! The temperature in Tucson is lower than normal for this time of year. It was in the low to mid 90’s so it was the perfect time for a Canyon hike. Back in May we did Pima Canyon for Leahs birthday so today we decided to check out Finger Rock. It did not disappoint. The night before, lightning in the Catalinas sparked a forest fire. Along our hike we would watch the forestry helicopters going back and forth doing water drops. That’s something you don’t see everyday.

It really was a great way to start the day! With 4 kids, 3+ miles and in 2+ hours we conquered the Finger Rock Canyon. The hike was steep in parts, there was a a little resistance from the kiddos. But in the end they’re feeling accomplished. Hattie slipped a few times and busted up her knee...but she persevered! It was awesome. Thankful for a beautiful Tucson morning!!!

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