Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Official Taste Tester


This past Friday Leah and I were hard at work doing some holiday baking. Normally I try to find something for us to do during the day to get us out of the house for a little bit...even if it is just running to the grocery store. But Today, we were waiting for Leah's "Big Girl" bed to get delivered, so I had to stay put. I decided that making cookies for our neighbors was a friendly-holiday thing to do. NOTE: We have the best neighbors (2 of them actually) that always help us out and house-sit/dog-sit when ever we leave town. Anyway, I tried to get Leah to step in and really get involved (meaning-Messy) but she wasn't really interested. She did have fun helping me hold the mixer, but that was short lived. Of course when I was unwrapping Hershey's Kisses for the Peanut Butter Blossoms she was happy to steal a Kiss. Anyway, as I was taking the beaters out of the blender I let her have a lick. Her face lit up, so I gave in and gave her one...and she was off!!! She ran out to the living room to cherish her new treasure. She loved licking the beater so much. You can tell by her expression above how much she is enjoying it. Even after she had licked it clean she wouldn't hand it over. I thought it was pretty cute. I know when we are at Gigi's (my mom's) house for Christmas she will get to make more cookies and I can guarantee she will be begging for the beater. The trick will be getting Aunt WaWa to share, Ha!

In other news, I am 28+ weeks in my second pregnancy now. The THIRD trimester, YAY! I seem to be doing well, or at least I think so. My doctor is concerned because I am experiencing some Braxton-Hicks contractions. I'm not too worried...I had them for the last 10 weeks of my pregnancy with Leah, but my doctor says this time it is different. Everything has been "stretched" before and I started having them very early. So I am on strict orders to take it easy...of course this would be right before the Holiday's with our crazy travel plans that include Minnesota, Wisconsin and Illinois! I told my doc...I know the deal (All my time working for the March of Dimes has made me a expert, of sorts-Ha!) Lots of rest, lots of water, warm showers and laying on my left side. I don't think he liked my quick response and lack of concern...Now my problem is that Mitch is going to be on me...He is not that kind of doctor but he sure is acting like THAT kind of doctor :) But seriously, neither of us wants me to end up on bedrest, so I guess it's time for me to buckle down and behave.

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