Saturday, December 5, 2009

The Road Warrior

Leah and I flew to Illinois to be with my family for Thanksgiving. Mitch then drove to Illinois on Wed. and we all drove back together on the 29th after my niece and nephew were baptized. Yes, it is about a 13 hour drive and we have been told many times that we are crazy. But Mitch and I kind of got used to making that long of a drive when we lived in Champaign. Anytime we went to Minnesota to visit his family it was about an 11 hour haul. People think we are especially crazy to attempt it with a toddler, but I have to say she did GREAT!

Now looking at this picture you might be thinking she doesn't look "great". But this is a kid who didn't take a nap and was exhausted from playing with all her little cousins. It was pretty cute actually...We got home from church, and put her in the high chair to have lunch and she was actually falling asleep eating her meal. But as soon as we took her out and gave her a little bit of freedom she was off and running with the troops! She kept right up with Macy and Preston and wanted to do everything that they did. By the time we got her in the car around 2:30 she was wiped out. She was asleep before we even got out of Charleston and slept for over 2 hours. I finally woke her up so that she would sleep during the night on the ride home. We hooked up the portable DVD player and for the most part she was happy as a clam in the backseat. She had a few small meltdowns but that was to be expected. It gives me hope that she will be tolerant when we drive to and from Minnesota for Christmas. PLEASE PLEASE do good on the drives at Christmas!!!

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