Sunday, May 9, 2010

2 months

It was a big weekend at our house. On Saturday May 8th Kiersten turned 2 months old, and on Sunday May 9th Leah turned 2 years old. Both my girls are 2 and I am feeling twice as blessed.
Kiersten is really a good baby. I am enjoying her so much but as they all say...It is going way too fast. She is on a really good schedule these days. She eats about every 3 hours. She is awake after eating for an hour to an hour and a half and then she naps for an hour or an hour and a half. She usually takes a bath around 8:30 or 9 PM and then eats and goes down by 10. Lately she is waking up around 4, it had been around 6 so I need to nip this 4 AM thing in the bud and get her back on track. At her 2 month physical she weighed 9 lbs 5 oz and was 22.5 inches in length. Pediatrician says she is doing good, but he would like to see her gaining more weight. She dropped from the 25th percentile to the 15th percentile. We go back for a weight check on the 17th, so I'm hoping that we see a good weight gain then.

Otherwise she is meeting milestones right on track. She moves her head and eyes to follow us when we are talking to her and sometimes even when we aren't. And she talks up a storm sometimes and is perfectly quiet, just taking it all in at others. She talks a lot in the morning after her nap and she tells Daddy all kinds of stories while he is giving her a bath. It is too adorable. I tried to get it on video last night, but every time I would hit record she would stop talking...stubborn like her sister already :) Anyway, Happy 2 month birthday, Kiersten! We love you bunches.

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