Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Blue Eyes

I never imagined that baby #2 would have such blue eyes. Of course it's possible, both of my parent's have light eyes and Mitch's mom has light eyes, but with Leah's gorgeous big brown eyes, I kind of thought baby #2 or Kiersten as we like to call her, would follow along those lines. But boy oh boy was I wrong. I swear they just keep getting bluer and bluer...is that a word, it doesn't look right?!? Anyway, As Kiersten becomes more and more alert I notice her eyes more and more. She is really starting to track things. It so cute to see her watch the dogs and Leah wherever they go. She is really focusing on Mommy and Daddy too. In the past week she really seems to have found her voice. It's very quiet and dainty, but it's there. She is making all sorts of coos and babbles and I LOVE IT!

We went back to the doctor yesterday for a weight check. At her 2 month appt. the pediactrician wasn't feeling good about her weight gain...or lack of I should say. Yesterday she was up from 9 lbs 4 oz to 9 lbs 11 oz. He was "okay" with it, but would still like to see more. He suggested trying to get one more feeding in a day and possibly starting to add rice to her diet already (she spits up A LOT). So we will take a few weeks and see how it goes and hopefully see some improvement in her weight at her 3 month check-up. She really is on a great schedule though, eating every 3 hours and sleeping at least 7-8 hours a night (typically, not always). Now I need to figure out how to get her to eat more without disrupting the sleep schedule, hmmmm?

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