Friday, July 9, 2010

Baby Mine

Stop! Make it slow down, isn't there a pause button on this thing called life?!? Right before my very eyes my baby girl's are growing up...and too quickly I might add. Yesterday Kiersten was 4 months old. I will post more on that after her doctors appointment, but seems like I was just holding this warm little bundle of new baby in my arms and now she is developing a personality, starting to be mobile and so much more. Below are pictures with me and my girls. Both taken when they are around 3 months old. Two beautiful baby girls who are changing too much for my liking.

With Leah I remember being so anxious for all of her "First", but this time it pulls at the heartstrings a little more. I could not wait for Leah to roll over, was ecstatic when she started babbling and giddy with joy when she became mobile. It was all so exciting to see this little daredevil emerge, but with Kiersten I think I realize more so, how quickly it will all go and how soon she will grow up and that makes it a little harder. She REALLY started to roll over on June 22nd. Before that she would only go from her back to her tummy. Now she goes every which way. On June 25th I started putting her in her excersaucer...she isn't quite sure what to do in it, but will sit/stand in it all the same. And lastly on July 4th, she started sleeping on her tummy. You can put her on her back but she won't stay there for long. What's next....calling her friends on the cell phone for playdates, ha!

Anyway, these pictures are how I will always remember my baby girls. I will think about how I used to rock them and sing them to sleep. Baby Mine don't you cry, Baby Mine dry your eyes, Rest your head near to my heart, never apart Baby of Mine.

Kiersten and Mommy, June '10
Mommy and Leah, Sept. '08

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