Thursday, July 29, 2010

Solid, Baby!

Yep, Little Kiersten is eating solid foods now. It started on Sunday July, 11th. She had been REALLY cranky all weekend and we just couldn't figure out what to do with her. Finally we decided that she might just be really hungry, so we cracked open the cereal and gave it a shot...and let me tell you, the child ate cereal like she's been doing it her whole life. I don't think she let a drop hit the floor and she was lunging for the spoon. We started with just once a day, but after a few days we bumped it up to twice. For about a week we stuck with straight cereal, but we have slowly been adding in our vegetables. So far the peas and green beans are a big hit, we just started carrots today and so far so good.

I will probably stick with the same regimen that I did with Leah and go through all the vegetables for quite a while before I introduce any fruits. I did strictly veggies with Leah for 6-8 weeks and the girl still loves her vegetables. She actually asks for more broccoli on occassion, so I am hoping we will have the same luck with Kiersten.

The fussiness didn't end when we started the cereal though. We went to the pediatrician twice in a 2 week period. He chalked it up to teething. Her gums are pretty swollen but I don't really see any signs of a budding tooth...guess we'll see. In the meantime I have started giving her gripe water once or twice a day and she seems to be back to her happy little self, Thank Goodness!

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