Thursday, August 19, 2010

You Go Girl!

So Yeah...that about sums it up. You Go Girl, and You Go and You GO GO GO! I wish I could bottle up all that energy and sell it to make millions, or at least enough to pay for your college :)

Leah is at such a fun stage. That is when she is not saying no or running and screaming through the house. She surprises me every say with how intelligent she is...what a little sponge!!!
She knows her colors, shapes and can count to 20. She can name just about any animal that you put in front of her and on Tuesday (Aug. 17th) she sang the ABC's perfectly for the first time. She has been singing the ABC's for months actually, but this was the first time that I understood every single letter...she tends to get mixed up at L,M,N,O, P and it comes out sounding like M,M,M, O, P It's adorable and I love it no matter how she sings it. She is also into saying her name. If you ask her she says very loud and proud "I'm Leah Schultz, I'm 2!!!" And last night Daddy started trying to teach her thumbs up so she is all about that, however it is rarely her "Thumb" that is up.

At night she has a new way to amuse us. She is enjoying trying out her acrobatic tricks off the couch. Mitch looked at me last night and said "I don't know if we should be letting her do this." To which I had to respond "too late now and besides, if we try to stop her she will just go to her new tricks off her bed or the kitchen table!" YIKES, we have a little daredevil on our hands.

She is especially fond of helping with her little sister. She tells me when Kiersten is crying (you know, in case I can't hear it) and brings me a burp cloth while announcing that Kiersten has spit up again. She has really responded well to having a baby in the house. She kisses and hugs her every night before bed and has actually started to voluntarily share toys with Kiersten when she is laying on the floor. She is such a fabulous big sister. She is typically very careful of her too. The other day when I had Kiersten laying on our bed while I put away some laundry Leah climbed up on the bed and before she began to jump she told Kiersten to "Be Careful, Kiersten...don't step on Kiersten." I love it...well maybe not the part where Leah was going to jump on the bed with Kiersten on it, but you know what I mean. I'm loving my girls more and more everyday. Here are a few action shots of Leah running around our house like crazy!!! The only way she knows how.

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