Tuesday, November 16, 2010

New York, New York

This past Thursday my mom and sis-in-law Cynthia flew out to my place for a girl's weekend and we did it up in style. Mitch took Friday off and so us women-folk hopped on the train at Princeton and headed up to the city. This trip was planned for weeks and I was so excited to have some "me" time. I hadn't been away from Leah in over 2 years and it was my first time away from Kiersten.

We started out with a "little" shopping in the Largest Store in the world...ten stories tall, Macy's! I LOVE Macy's...it is the real miracle on 34th street, let me tell you! I could spend days in there, I always find all sorts of goodies. But we headed back to the hotel around 5 so we could get ready for dinner. Our concierge made us reservations at a cute little Italian Restaurant called Arno. It was awesome, mom and I split a dish and still walked out of there full. We had a wonderful lamb ratatouile and calamari for starters, followed by a chicken and artichoke dish with the most delicious homemade pasta and a fabulous banana chocolate mouse pie for dessert. We were in heaven!!! Cynthia was quite adventurous. She had a lot of first at the restaurant. Her first Pinot Grigio, lamb, calamari, prosciutto, and mushrooms...She enjoyed it too! After dinner we hightailed it about 15 blocks to the Broadway Theatre, where we had tickets to see Promises, Promises. It was fantastic, Sean Hayes and Kristen Chenoweth were the leading roles and Molly Shannon was in it as well, she is ALWAYS hilarious! It really was great. A big thanks to my mom for treating us.

On Saturday we got up, packed our suitcases and headed out on the town again for some shopping. We went to Rockefeller Plaza and hit up a few stores, then kept on trucking down to FAO Schwartz...it was a zoo. Made a stop at LegoLand, the Disney Store and a few others on Times Square before heading back to...MACY'S! We shopped there for a few hours, hit up H&M and hopped on the train to head home. Penn station is always a zoo, but we made it on the first train and got home just in time for a wonderfully prepared dinner by Mitch, WHO happened to put a nail in his big toe while working on the rood on Friday. I hadn't even been gone 2 hours and I got a picture text of his big toe with a BIG Nail sticking out of it...I guess Air Nail Guns will go right through a shoe and a sock and a little bit of bone. Thankfully our friend Kathleen was able to come sit with the girls while Mitch went to the ER where they had to cut the nail out. I told my mom "I don't have to worry about my girls when I leave home, I have to worry about my husband." Overall, it was a fabulous weekend and I am already planning for the next one :)

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