Tuesday, November 2, 2010


Halloween has come and gone, but it sure was a lot of fun. Both of the girls seemed to enjoy getting dressed up in their costumes. First we took them over to our neighbors (Mike and Julie's) house. They always have extra special treats for the girls and then we headed over to our friend Shawn and Amanda's. Leah had plans to go trick-or-treating with their son Matt, and us mom's had plans to stay home with the little girls, Kiersten and Monica. So after dinner the Dad's and "big" kids headed out.

About the 5th house that Mitch took Leah too had a 6 ft. animated/automated Werewolf that had bright red eyes that lit up and his head and arms moved. I guess Leah ran screaming when she saw it. Mitch said it was FUNNY and I would have loved to see it...but she bucked up and eventually went to the door to get her treat. We tried to tell her the werewolf was nice because he gave her chocolate so thankfully she went to bed just fine but she was worked up. When they got home she told me all about the werewolf with big arms that were moving and big red eyes she even told me that she "runned, runned, runned" and that she was scared and was "Crying and crying" It was a hoot. We skyped with grandparents and Aunt Laura before bed and told them all about it and when she woke up Monday morning she was still talking about it...told my mom (Gigi) all about it on the phone. Thankfully I don't think she is scarred for life :) Hope everyone had a safe and happy halloween...already trying to plan costumes for next year ;)

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