Monday, September 3, 2012

A Few Firsts and More

Sweet Hattie is changing right before my eyes. She no longer looks like a newborn, and is more like an infant (SIGH). I love the newborn stage, and Hattie has really made it pretty easy. Just look at that sweet face, how could I NOT love this stage?!?!? While her looks are changing, there are other changes happening too. On August 17th, she sat in her bumbo seat for the first time. She only lasted a few minutes, but you have to start somewhere. On August 31st, we heard her laugh for the first time. It was so cute...what made it even cuter was that she did it in her sleep. Mitch and I laid her down in the co-sleeper and went about our business getting ready for bed. I laid my head on my pillow, Mitch kissed me goodnight and it happened. Her eyes were completely closed and yet she laughed the sweetest little chuckle. Then the next day, she was napping on Mitch's chest and she did it again. Her eyes were completely closed, but she had the biggest goofiest grin on her face. It immediately reminded me of family vacations when I was younger. We would all be in a hotel room sleeping and would wake up to Laura laughing in her sleep, too funny.

And finally, today she slept in her crib for the first time. It's just a nap...I'm not ready to put her in there overnight yet, but I figure she needs to get used to it sooner rather than later. Wish us luck, although, most things have been smooth sailing with Hattie so I can only assume this will be the same. That about covers it. Of course her sisters are still loving her to pieces. I think Kiersten has to hug and kiss her ten times a day and asks to hold her all the time. I love that they love's a love that will only continue to grow. Lucky girls!

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