Monday, September 17, 2012

The Girls and Grandma

"Blessed are those who mourn, for they shall be comforted" -Matthew 5:4

Grandma and Leah, July 2008

Grandma and Kiersten, June 2010

Grandma and Hattie, August 2012

Today was my Grandmother's funeral. It was a long, hard day. I hate goodbyes...always have. As we began to make our way back to the church from the burial in the cemetery, I said to my brother, sister and cousins: "Let's not be sad that she is gone, lets be happy that we had 30+/- years with her, everyone should be so lucky to have their grandparents for that long." So for now I am going to focus on that. I am going to take comfort in the fact that she was a part of my life for over 34 years. I will be grateful that I knew, and was loved by such a wonderful woman, and I will rejoice in the fact that she is no longer confined to a wheelchair and that she can dance with my grandfather in heaven. And above all, I am so HAPPY that she had the chance to meet and hold all three of my daughters. And while they might not remember her, I will tell them stories so that they too may know her love.

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