Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Boo at the Zoo, and lots of Friends too!

It's that time of year again...Boo at the Zoo is in full force. It runs for two weekends and the Monday-Wednesday before Halloween this year, but I figured I wanted to get the kids there before the weather got to cold...Good Call! So we went this past Sunday. I thought about Saturday but the temp was 54...and Sunday's forecast was 67. So Sunday it was! We were super excited to go, because the Penguin Exhibit just opened. And even more exciting was the fact that all of our friends wanted to come along too! We saw Roman and Ryder Hilton as they were leaving. But we spent most of our time there with Macy and Colby, Tatum and Mason Gray, and Camryn and Cayde White. The Fawer's were there with us too, but we must have lost them at the end.

One of the highlights of the trip was the corn bin. They had a big sand box full of corn for the kids to play in. It had shovels and buckets and all sorts of goods. Well, Bug was wearing her Gold Tom's and a mom saw one and grabbed it. I quickly claimed it. And then realized she didn't have the other one on. After stepping in the box, I realized that the box would probably swallow little children's shoes. It was like trying to walk in quicksand. So three other grown women and myself climbed in and started digging for the lost GOLD TOM, in a box of yellow corn. It was literally like trying to find a needle in a haystack. Thankfully it only took me about 5 minutes to locate the lost shoe. I'm glad there are no pictures of that.
Anyway, the kids had so much fun looking at all the Halloween décor, and checking out all the carved pumpkins. Not to mention collecting their treats. I hope this is a Halloween activity that we can enjoy for years to come!

P.S. Hattie didn't get to come, she was down with a GI virus that eventually caught up to her big sisters too :(

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