Monday, February 10, 2014

Polar Vortex

This winter has undoubtedly been one of the coldest In Illinois that I can recall. My mom says it is one of the coldest that she can recall, too. Snow isn't out of the norm for us. And we may have gotten a little more than normal this year, but the snow isn't the problem. Its the bitter cold temps! We've had more days than I can count with negative temperatures, and that is not even taking into account the wind chill. Its a bummer for the girls because its been so cold they cant even enjoy the snow. Well, last week we finally had some temps in the 20's. It was like a heat wave! They couldn't wait to get out and play in it. Even Hattie sat at the back door crying until we finally bundled her up and sent her out. I stayed inside where it was nice and warm and dreamed of warmer weather.

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