Friday, February 28, 2014


Every January I sit down and I begin working on our blog book...yes, that's right. I turn this into a hardback book for my girls every year. It's basically a BIG photo album with stories attached. It's a lot of work, but so worth it. Well, After an "episode" to speak this past Wednesday I had to look through the blog book to see if a certain story was in there. It wasn't so I'm writing about it now.

Back in November I was getting Kiersten ready for dance class. It's the same routine every Wednesday. Wake her up get her dressed and out the door, drop her off and run to get Leah. Head back to dance and get Leah ready and then rest for 15-20 minutes until it's Leah's turn. Its a whole rig-a-ma-roll, but they love it, and I love that they have a "thing" to look forward to.

Well one Wednesday in November I was in a rush and trying to get Kiersten ready to go. I said "hurry bug, we've got to get your leotard on." But what she heard was "Leah-tard" and she wasn't having it. She didn't want to wear a Leah-tard. So she boisterously declined to put it on stating that she needed a "Bugtard" I could hardly contain my smile and the laughs definitely ensued. She made me go get a different one out of the closet, and so now...every Wednesday she asks if I got the "bugtard".

How on earth can you argue with her logic?!?! And now baby sister is all about dance too. She wants a tutu to wear all the time. Thankfully so far, this behavior has been confined to just in the house. Gotta love my girls! 

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