Monday, September 7, 2015

And She's Off!!!

And then there were none. Okay, Okay, so maybe I'm being a little dramatic. I can't help it. My baby girl, my sweet little Hattiecakes just started Preschool. I didn't could I? She was over the top excited. There was no holding this kid back. She ran to the room. She knew the teachers by name. She knew the routine. Grab a table toy and wait for the friends to arrive. I mean, it helped that she watched Bug do it for the past 2 years. But this time it's different. I am alone. Okay, so it's only for 2 hours twice a week, barely enough time to get any errands ran, but its still strange. I love this kid. I love her expressions, I love her caring heart. I kept teasing her all morning that I didn't want her to go, that I would miss her too much. To which she would then place one tiny hand on each of my cheeks and say "but I'll be right back mom." and then kiss my nose gently. I mean, ugh...what's not to love. She's just so darn lovable and I love that I get to be her mom! Have a great time at school, Hattie...I know you are going to move mountains!

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