Saturday, September 26, 2015

Hike for the Hive

Yesterday McGaughey Elementary held its first ever Hike for the Hive Fundraiser. The company that they had contracted with previously for its fundraising had gone out of business over the summer. So this was a last minute plan by the "Queen Bee" Mrs. Warner and her worker bees, the teachers. Families were asked to come up with sponsors for their children and the children ran the track. The parents were told if the school raised $8,000 for McGaughey, this would be the only fundraiser all year. Well, not only did the raise the $8,000, they doubled it and brought in over $17,000...amazing.

It was a gorgeous day to be outside. And the kids were so excited. I volunteered for Bug's class and it was a fun day to be with these little ones. They started with some music and dancing while the buses unloaded. Mrs. Warner spoke for a minute and then Mt. Zion High School Drum Corp performed. After that the "hiking" began. The kids were adorable. They were eager to make it around that track! After they finished each one got a medal. After all the classes had gone, they announced the top sellers. Bug was disappointed that she wasn't one of them, she brought in almost $200 but those are the breaks. Then Scovill Mobile Zoo showed up. Each teacher whose class raised more than $500 had to kiss a skunk. The kids thought this was hilarious. It was a great day for the kids and an even better day for Mt. Zion Schools...I was glad I got to be there to support them.

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