Sunday, October 25, 2015

Scarecrow for Sale

I guess every year Mt. Grade School makes scarecrows to sell, and the money that they raise is donated to one of the local causes. Leah was very excited about it. I found some old jewelry, some badanas, some scraps of felt and sent it to school with her. On the day of construction they had parents that volunteered to come in and sew and hot glue them together. I wasn't able to attend because I was working in Lincoln, but Leah's friend Ella's mother was there. She sent me these pictures. Leah, Ella Phares and Mark Mavis were on a team together. The called this scarecrow the Rock Star Scarecrow. Leah loved it, she wanted me to buy it for our porch. Laura Phares beat me to it, darn ;)

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