Thursday, October 8, 2015

The Great Pumpin Patch 2015

This past weekend we went to the Great Pumpkin Patch in Arthur. We love it, its our tradition. It was a bit chilly and a bit windy, but that didn't stop us from having a good time. For the first time, Kiersten went in the haunted house. Leah went in the last 2 years. Even Hattie went in this time. Of course she buried her head in Mitch's neck for most of it. It really wasn't that scary, so they did well.

Next up was the corn maze, uh...the small one. I'm not ready to venture into the big one with the kids yet. And we took in all the livestock. The girls loved seeing the goats, the pigs, the chickens and  what I think was a llama of some sort.

We went on the tractor/wagon ride, because we always do. We learned about the different kinds of pumpkins, and the pumpkin pie pumpkins and squash and gourds and what not. Its the same guide every year and he tries to keep it lively. After that Mitch took the girls on the real corn maze. They actually got through it quicker than I imagined.

Then we were off the fields...the guide warned us that the pumpkins had a rough year with all of the rain, but eventually with some persistance we found 3 perfect pumpkins. And of course we didn't leave without hitting up the Homestead Bakery for some cookies and bread. So good!!! Until next time, TGPP.

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