Thursday, June 22, 2017

And just like that...she's 5!

How did this happen?!?! I swear it was just yesterday we were leaving the hospital with our third and final baby girl. But somehow, she went and turned 5 on me. She's more and more independent each day, she doesn't miss a beat with her sisters and she's adamant that she's ready for Kindergarten despite my insistence that she should really just stay home with me for another year.

We didn't do too much as far as celebrations. We had a cookout at our house this past Saturday. The Weber's and the Larson's came. Wanasa Zhou, one of Aunt Laura's golfers was here playing in the Symetra tour. She got Hattie some Trolls headphones. On the day of her actual birthday, we did donuts for breakfast. When daddy got home from work we opened some gifts and then of course we had the traditional birthday ice cream cone from Dairy Queen. She got lots of fun gifts. Her Wellie Wishers doll, Camille, a Pinkie Pie, an iPad, a new back pack and pajamas. I think it's safe to say she had a fun day. I couldn't imagine our lives without our sweet Hattiecakes!

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