Monday, April 22, 2019

Pay it Forward

Sometimes God has a way of slapping you upside the head with his messages. A few weeks ago I was messaging with a friend and I told her that I’ve been angry with God. I’m upset that Jackson is sick. I believed that because my family has been loyal and dedicated servants, this is unfair. Yesterday’s sermon, Pastor Thielen was speaking directly to me! He talked about how sometimes we think that just by pleasing God we are doing enough, that being stewards of faith will help us feel the reward of being children of God. When actually the journey is about trusting in God. In my despair, while I know and believe that God has a plan for good and not to bring us harm, I’m letting it take away from my trust. That has to change now.

They always have a children’s message at Ascension Lutheran. He called the kids forward and said that every child could pick an egg, and each one had a tootsie roll, but only ONE had a 5 dollar bill. He opened and egg, and somehow Pastor got the lucky egg. He asked a boy to chose an Egg, and sure enough, he got $5 too! It was a reminder that Jesus paid it forward, he gave this gift for ALL of us. Pastor then asked the kids to do good with their $5. Right away Leah said we need to use our money for Jackson.

Yesterday was hard. Being here with my sister is always amazing, but I felt torn because I also want to be in Indianapolis with my brother. But having these girls here...taking in this lesson, thinking about and praying for Jackson makes it better. And I’m trusting in God that we’ll be celebrating holidays together again soon. #schultzfamilyescapades #jacksonsjourney #payitforward

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