Friday, June 26, 2009

Day at the Zoo: Part II

Okay, so maybe it wasn't really a day at the Zoo! But the whole weekend felt like a 3-ring circus, LOL!!! I went home to help celebrate my sister's bridal shower, and while I was there we squeezed in a baby shower for my cousin Tara and a bachelorette party for my sister. Honestly, after the weekend I'm feeling old. It seems that when I go home we always try to cram so much stuff in since I don't get home much. I am looking forward to the day when I can come home and just RELAX!!! I have a feeling it's going to be a long time before that happens.

I flew in on Thursday afternoon. Tara, my wonderful cousin, picked Leah and I up and took us home. Grandma Carol (Gia) took Leah and Macy to the pool while I got my hair done. I sure wish I have pictures of Gia trying to control those two at the pool, but anway. On Friday I had my online class for the U of I. Then I went to see Baby Colby. Friday afternoon Laura's in-laws flew in from NY, so we had dinner with them. Saturday we got started bright and early. Grandma Schaumburg, Aunt Sandy, Aunt Jane and Heather all came to the house to visit before the shower. I left and met the other bridesmaids to get set up. The shower was great fun. It was really nice to see all the family and friends, especially Laura's bridesmaids that I haven't seen in years. After Laura's shower was the baby shower, which I must admit, I didn't quite make it too. I tried but after bridal shower clean up I got to the baby shower and it was over, so I just went to Aunt Trina's to visit and gave Tara her gifts. Then I got 30 minutes of down time (just enough to wash my face and change my clothes) and then we were off for the bachelorette party...Like I said, I was exhausted and it all made me feel old ;) Anyway here are a few family pictures from the weekend. Even though I was worn out, I wouldn't change a thing. You can't put a price on time with your family and friends!

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