Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Swimming Fool!

We finally had a day that was nice and warm enough for Leah to play in her pool. This past Friday it was warm and sunny, unlike the rain that we had for 6 straight days before that only to be followed by afternoon showers and storms all day Saturday. Anyway, she LOVED it. This isn't her first time swimming. She has been in 2 hotel pools before, but this is the first time we could just put her down and watch her play. She seemed to think that the water in the pool was quite the refreshing treat. She kept trying to drink it with her hands and then later with one of her water toys. It was pretty cute, but then again, we always think that she is pretty cute.
Lately, she has been trying to make a mad dash for the outdoors when ever we open our back screen door to the deck, which wouldn't be a big deal if there weren't 3 steps down to some slate slab stones at the bottom. Mitch built a gate to keep her contained, only to have her figure out how to unlatch it and open it after 2 days, Yes, 2 days so now we have resorted to putting big objects in front of the gate so she can't escape. That one keeps us on our toes, but boy do we love her!

This is Leah testing us, trying to see if we will
stop her from opening the gate. I think she
really just wants to go get back in the water!

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