Saturday, January 23, 2010

Heat Wave

I have to admit that I am feeling a little bit bad about this...but not really. While our friends and family in Illinois and Minnesota have been hit with desperately cold temperatures, way below zero wind chills and snow and freezing rain...the weather here in New Jersey has been fairly pleasant. Well, as pleasant as the weather can be for January. I think we have only had a few days where the temp dropped below 30 and I think I have seen a slight dusting of snow that barely even covered the ground. Most days have been pretty sunny, and although it is no cause for celebration we have had lots of days with temps in the 40's pushing 50. Last week we even let Leah go outside and play for a while. She is really getting to that age where she enjoys our dogs. One of her favorite things to say is "no no, puppy!" she's really good at that one, and it's always fun to see her pull on Sandy's tail and ears and chase her around. Sandy takes it all in stride, but Leah just laughs hysterically. Imagine the fun that Leah will have this summer playing out in the yard with Neo. Neo loves to play fetch. That's actually an understatement. You can throw a stick, a ball, a frisbee, anything and the dog will chase after it and return it to you. Leah tries to do this with his big rope tug, but it is almost as big as she is. She hasn't quite got the hang of it yet, but it's sure cute to watch her try. Anyway, here are some pictures of her playing out back with "YEE-YO" that's how she pronounces Neo. I love that my girl loves her dogs, and I am so happy that they love her too. Can't wait for those summer days and some good games of fetch.

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