Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Batter Up!

Leah has a new favorite literary character...Curious George. As we are getting her ready for bed each night she starts repeatedly asking for "George, George, George" so every night we read a Curious George story to her at bedtime. We have 5 different ones, but a favorite of hers and mine is Curious George Makes Pancakes. She will let you know which book she wants to read, she will say "George, cakes" or "George, puppies". I think it's pretty cute, but anyway.
This past Saturday morning she and her daddy got up and decided to make a Pancake Breakfast!!! I love getting treated to a good hot breakfast but it's even better when it's made for you by the ones you love.

These pictures are of Leah helping to mix up the batter. Daddy even let her help pour the batter into the skillet. She did a good job and it was a YUMMY breakfast. Not too bad, for my little monkey.

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