Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Ah Ha!

Okay, so these pictures aren't mine...I pirated them from my friend Kelly's facebook page, but I figured that it was one way to get a blog with pictures done while I am still here in Illinois, and I know she won't mind.

This past Friday (June 4th) we got to go to a birthday party at John and Debbie Smith's house for their grandson Lukas. Happy 2nd Birthday, Lukas! Leah loved playing with Lukas and Marek and the grandparents sure seemed to have fun showing off their grandkids. It was fun for me too. I got to catch up with some mom-friends that I rarely get to see. Kelly was at my sister's wedding last summer. She probably didn't know that I was pregnant because I was only about 6 weeks along and not sharing the news. But she has a little man now, Noah, who is a month younger than Kiersten. And Allison...I don't know when the last time I saw her was?!? It was probably the early 2000's I remember her singing a little something about "sipping bacardi like it's your birthday" out at the Country Club one night when she was home from the city. She has a precious little girl, Cora, who is 9 months. It was fun to see them and their babes. I wish the weather was cooperating in Illinois right now, and I might have seen a little more of them out at the pool, but we can't have it all. Anyway, it was fun to catch up and here are a few pictures from that night. Gigi and Kiersten

Bright-eyed little girl

Yes, Leah loves her some cake!

Proud Grandmas: Lucy and Noah, Carol and Kiersten

Me, Kelly and Allison

Leah and Lukas...he's bailing on her.

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