Monday, June 14, 2010

Kiersten's baptism

On May 26th Mitch and I loaded up our SUV and headed for Illinois...we're crazy right!?!? Who drives 13.5 hours with a toddler and an infant? WE DO! We've had actually gotten really good at the long drives with Leah...we knew how to time it just right and Mitch and I would take turns sleeping and driving, but then you throw Kiersten in the mix...and it turned out okay. That's all I am going to say about that. But I did remind Mitch a few times that Leah didn't make the long drive until she was 7 months old, so in all fairness Kiersten did pretty good! Pumping breastmilk in the front seat of my truck though is not something I want to make a habit of doing.

Anyhow, We had a wonderful baptism weekend. The church even put together a movie to play in the ceremony. It had pictures of Kiersten and our family as well as some little video clips set to a beautiful Christian song. I would try to upload it to share with everyone, but I left it in Illinois. We were fortunate that Mitch's family was able to come from Minnesota to share in the special event. We planned it in Illinois because there was no way we could ask them to make the 25 hour drive from MN to NJ or to pay for that many plane tickets. So Kiersten was baptized in the same church that my brother, sister, Leah and I were all baptized in and we have all worn the same gown. It is the gown that my Grandpa Schaumburg bought 30+ years ago for me to wear at my baptism which makes it even more special. Kiersten was sponsored by my brother Matt and his wife Cynthia, and Mitch's brother Brian and his wife Lisa. She is such a blessing to us all and we are so happy that she is a part of the church family now too, as well as ours.

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