Friday, December 10, 2010

Leah too!

Yes, Leah too! Every month on the 8th I get the blocks out and take a few pictures of Kiersten, and this month Leah wanted to participate too. It works out pretty great that Leah's birthday is on the 9th because when I took this picture she was only a day away from 31 months! I will post Kiersten's picture later after we have our 9 month well child check-up. Leah is so funny though, she really has quite an imagination. We hear her making up stories and taking part in fantasy play all the time. The other day she was playing with her cell phone chatting away with Aunt Wawa, she told us all about how Aunt Wawa went shopping and bought Chicken Nuggets. I catch her on a regular basis putting her stuffed animals up on our kitchen island playing doctor. She treats them and makes them feel all better with her hair brush and microphone. Don't worry, Santa Claus will be delivering a proper pretend medical kit.

And don't get me started on Santa Claus. Having kids around makes the holidays a whole new experience. We are loving it. She gets so excited about Kris Kringle, Christmas Trees and all that jazz. It is adorable. We haven't quite figured out how to do this Santa thing yet, with us being gone for the holidays. But I think Santa will conveniently put the gifts under the tree while two little girls are being strapped into their carseats for the long haul back to the midwest and when we return on the 29th the gifts will just "magically" be there! Can't wait to see the look on my little 31 monthers face!

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