Friday, December 31, 2010

The next chapter will be good...

Happy New Year to all of our friends and family. The past year has brought us many new exeriences and so much joy! In March we welcomed Kiersten into our family and she has changed our lives. We have been able to watch her grow into an energetic little thing who loves to crawl and play and coo. When she smiles I can't help but smile right back at her. And her laugh...if only there was a way to measure how much joy it brings me. And Leah, she has gone from my baby girl to my big girl. She surprises me everyday with her intellect. Her language and her ability to master new tasks. She has shocked me with her ability to be such a caring big sister right from the start. She used to help clean up after Kiersten and always had to kiss her goodnight. Now she loves to invite Kiersten into her room to play and can be so loving to her. It's been a magical journey watching her transform from only child to sibling. In the past year Leah has mastered counting to 20, her ABC's, she knows all the letter sounds and is trying to put words together. She loves to play on the IPad and will soon be more advanced than I am on it. Her imagination runs wild and Mitch and I can't help but laugh when we stop and listen to her playing with her animals or dolls. As for Mitch and I, this year found us entering into a new world together. From parents attempting to raise up one child to parent's raising up two. I never would have thought it possible, but this journey has made my love for him grow. It is stronger than I ever imagined and now I know that as we continue on this road together it will only bring us closer. I am beyond blessed, I am fortunate in more ways than I can count to be able to call him my partner, my teammate, my best friend and husband. I thank the Lord everyday for bringing him into my life. Only God knows what the next year has in store for us. It will be a new chapter in our lives and it will be good.

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