Tuesday, March 8, 2011


It seems that transitions fill up every aspect of our lives. A friend and I were talking this weekend about transitions. How we have to make transitions in a marriage. She commented that no one ever warns you that a marriage is hard work. Once you add kids to the mix it doesn't get any easier. You transition from parents to the the couple and back and forth, sometimes you feel like roommates and have to find a way to transition back to being a couple. In parenting there are transitions. Mitch commented the other night that I parent our girls differently. I explained that I have to...they are different girls. One much more sensitive than the other, and one much more bullheaded (so far), so I am making transitions consistently in that arena as well. And what about as adult children to our parents. I can't tell you how many times I transition there. Sometimes I use my mom as a best friend, but other times I need her to be my mom...and give me advice that only a mother can give.

In the past three plus years my life in general has been full of transitions...got married, moved to New Jersey, bought a house, had a baby, went to work, finished grad school, had another baby...that's a lot for one person and a married couple to weather in such a short time. Mitch and I are so grateful to have done it together. It has made us stronger as a couple, made us more resilient and more patient with one another. So in a few short weeks we will be undertaking another major transition!!! One that we have been hopingand praying for, for at least the last 2 years. Finally our prayers and persistence have paid off.

On August 15th I found a job posted on line for ADM in Decatur. I called my dad and asked if he knew anyone. Mitch emailed his boss at the U of I. Fortunately we were able to get Mitch's resume directly in to the hands of those hiring. In early October it was starting to feel hopeless and on the 8th, they called to schedule his interview. We headed out on the 23rd and on the 26th he interviewed. It went well, he was optimistic and was in email contact with the company and they seemed optimistic as well. On December 23rd they called and asked if they could interview him for another position. He was confused, had the original position been filled? He sent out an email and the VP CALLED him back immediately and explained that he was still being considered for the first position but that they were restructuring and trying to find the best fit.

The first week of January he did some phone interviews and two days later they called and offered him the position. FINALLY! We were just happy to have some closure one way or the other, but so grateful that our prayers were being answered. So with that being said...WE ARE MOVING!!! We went on a house hunting trip the last week of February and found a great place in Decatur, IL. Can't wait to get there and be a little closer to all our family and friends!

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