Sunday, February 26, 2012

A day of greats.

Yesterday was a good, a great day. Mitch is in Utah visiting friends. Gigi got home on Friday night. She informed me that my uncle Barry and Aunt Sandy were going to be in Kankakee so she was going to be spending Saturday at the nursing home with Grandma and visiting her brothers and wives. Well, we had no plans...and haven't seen my Grandma since October so it seemed like a good opportunity to see a whole lot of family. My Uncle Barry and Aunt Sandy had never even met Kiersten so it seemed as good a time as any for the girls to spend the day with their Great-Grandma and Great Aunts and Uncles. Fortunately Uncle Carl and Aunt Jane only live a few miles away and were available too! The last time we saw them was shortly after moving to Decatur almost 11 months ago.

It was especially nice to see Uncle Barry because back in October he suffered a massive critical cardiac arrest. My mom actually went to California to be with him and my aunt while he was hospitalized. Most people that suffer the type of cardiac arrest that he had don't survive and everyday we are reminded what a miracle he is. My mom recalls fondly when the cardiologist came into the room and said to them "You died, God wasn't ready for you and sent you back." Not only is he doing miraculously well, but the doctors can't believe the improvements that he continues to make. God is so good and we need to remember that when things look bleak. Anyway, it was a great day. I wasn't sure how the girls would do. I drove the 2 hours up to Clifton, IL and was hoping that the girls would behave long enough for me to stay for an hour. They did fantastic and we were able to visit for 3. 5 hours. When we got home I asked the girls what their favorite part of the day was, to which Leah replied "Dancing to the music!" Growing up my Uncle taught himself to play the organ. When we were little he would play occasionally. And at some point they sold their Organ. They move a lot for his work. Typically in a new location every 2 years give or take. The last time we were all together, Christmas 2009 he entertained us as well. The organ needed tuning gave us all a good laugh, but the girls didn't seem to mind. I hope they have many more chances to get to know their greats!

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