Wednesday, February 29, 2012

I got "tagged".

A fellow blogger tagged me and asked me to play along. Here are the rules:

Ladies please list 10 random facts about yourself and answer the questions

1. Some of the best things that I cook don't have recipes...well they probably do, but I don't use recipes. They are things that have been passed on to me from women that I love.

2. I never thought I would have girls. I always imagined myself raising boys...don't know why. But now that I have my girls I can't imagine life any other way.

3. I cry at church. Not sure why, the music moves me and touches my spirit and after communion...look out for the water works.

4. I have saved and printed all the emails that my husband and I sent one another before we were married...I need to put them all in a binder. Kind of a journal of the beginning of our relationship.

5. I lack self-confidence. Again, not sure why and I try to come off as a put together, has it all kind of girl but sometimes I am REALLY insecure and I don't want to pass that along to my girls.

6. I LOVE my parents. And I don't tell them enough, but they were/are fantastic. Sure they made mistakes (who doesn't) but overall they were top notch!

7. My husband does most of the cooking in our house and ALL of the really good cooking :) And what he doesn't know is that I love to watch him doing it, and don't really mind the crazy clean up...most the time!

8. I never realized how selfless a mother has to be until I became one and I'm surprised sometimes and how naturally it can come to a person.

9. I'm an avid reader and as I've gotten older I am enjoying more and more historical dad would be so proud.

10. I wish I had taken the time to talk to my grandparents and learn more about their history and families when I had the chance. I think they have so much knowledge to share and unfortunately not enough young people today care.

If you could change places with someone for one day who would it
be and why?
~No one in particular but sometimes I wonder what it would have been like to be a young person unattached living in a foreign land...A 20-something in Paris or London or Berlin, exploring a new place and learning new things.

What is your favorite Holiday and why?
~I love Christmas, I mean...who doesn't. But I would have to say I appreciate and really enjoy Thanksgiving. It's my mom's favorite too. She enjoys being able to cook for those that she loves and more importantly I love that there is no materialism attached. It's all about thanks and gratitude and stopping to remember what's really important.

What is your favorite memory from childhood?
~Has to be playing softball, in the front yard on 20th street with friends and family, later in the big backyard on Deerfield and of course all the summer nights at Lanman. It seems to be a staple of my childhood and I like that included LOTS of family and friends and not just my immediate family.

What is your favorite non-alcoholic drink?
~Coke Zero, to say that I am a bit of an addict would be putting it mildly.

What advice would you give me for being newly married?
~Communicate, no matter what. It's better to be open, honest and share what you are feeling right from the beginning and make sure to have a date night. Especially after you have kids so you can stay connected.

What is your favorite store to shop at?
~These have changed over the years. I love Target, I can always find something good there. I can't walk out of Hobby Lobby without a good deal and Macy's can really get me in trouble.

Hope my answers did not disappoint, Maddie!

1 comment:

~Maddi said...

Enjoyed reading your post! Thanks for responding!