Monday, March 26, 2012

It keeps going and going...

Whatever virus has attacked my family is clearly in the same family as the Energizer Bunny, because this thing just won't quit. I believe it started with Mitch. Fifteen days ago he complained of a sore throat which turned into a cough and so on. Then Leah was struck down with the cough that sent us to the doctor for a quick swab to check for Whooping Cough. The fever that followed was horrid, and by Tuesday Bug was down. My little Kiersten never got the cough that Leah had but her fever just wouldn't let go. She was happy to just lay in her room and catnap off and on all days. There were days she wouldn't even come downstairs until 2 or 3 in the afternoon. And by Thursday even I had succumbed to the cough.

I have to say that if the girls were half as miserable as I have been than they were total troopers through this bout of illness. And maybe it was a good thing that they had the fever to keep them lethargic and in and out of sleepiness. Yesterday (3/25) was our first fever free day in 11 days, YIKES! I've been going stir crazy, but at the same time don't want to leave the house with sick kids. All four of us still have a dreadful cough, and Mitch says he still has a sore throat. So help me, his has lasted 15 days...I can't be sick for another 10 days...I'm tired enough now that the third trimester is looming. The pictures below are a familiar scene from the last 2 weeks. Leah comforting Kiersten on the couch, or vice versa...and even Daddy needed to get in on some napping when he would get home from work. Please virus, leave us be!!!

1 comment:

Stephanie said...

How awful! I hope this is the end of it for you guys for a while. Definitely not fair to be pregnant, sick, and taking care of sick kids!