Wednesday, May 22, 2013

11 Months and Counting

Sweet Hattie is nearing the end of babyhood, and toddlerhood is on the horizon. I'm sad but I'm not. It's fun seeing her explore and try new things. And as long as she continues to let me snuggle and rock her I think I will be just fine. She really is the sweetest little baby. She is so easy going, just goes with the flow, hardly makes a peep and is always happy. She seriously makes me want to have another. But to be clear, I'm done!

At 11 months, she is into everything. She is not quite walking. It's right there. On May 19th she started actively taking more than one step to walk holding onto things. She has been pulling herself up for weeks, but she's finally making progress. And occasionally we notice her letting go and standing in place on her own. She's figuring it all out. She is definitely making lots more noises these days too. Lots of B, D and M consonants. Mitch keeps trying to get her to say DaDa and once in a while she does but without intent. She says MaMa a lot too, but I don't think she associates it with me yet.

She has really been into playing with her sisters. And by playing I mean she likes to go in the playroom and pull everything off of the shelves and leaves a mess for them to clean up. They LOVE it, okay so not really. She is also doing pretty good with outside time. The first few times in the grass she was a mess, but she's coming around. As for food, there is still nothing this little one won't eat. She loves to eat. She gets that from me, Ha! And we are slowly starting the transition to milk. We are on our last can of formula. We are mixing with milk and when it's gone, it's gone!

Party planning is in full swing, invites have been sent and in a few weeks we are celebrating a very special birthday for my Sweet Hattie. It's gonna be a fun day. Love my little Hattie Cakes!

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