Thursday, May 9, 2013

Leah's Birthday Ice Cream

I love the progression of the first three pictures. We sang Happy Birthday to Leah and then Kiersten decided to give her a kiss. Such sweet sisters...most of the time. Anyway, we have a birthday tradition that we started a few years ago. On their actual birthday we take the girls to Dairy Queen for Ice Cream. Well, Leah's birthday fell during dance recital week and with dress rehearsals and performances we knew we couldn't squeeze it in on the 9th so we went on the 8th after softball practice. Of course she ate her entire kids meal but the real treat was the ice cream. She thinks it is so fun to eat an ice cream cone and it's such a treat because we don't do it often.

Leah is such a sweet girl. She always wants approval and tries to make mom and dad happy. Other times she is exasperating. She questions everything and is always testing the boundaries. She loves to sing, adores all the Disney Princesses and if into anything and everything girly. Sometimes she says the funniest things. Lately she likes to say "Awkward". And as far as big sisters go, she is awesome. She does a great job helping me look after Hattie and she is always so proud of herself when she helps get her jacket on, or throws diapers in the I said, she is eager to please.

Funny story...last week, we were getting ready for dance and I was doing her hair. I took my wedding ring off and as she saw in on the counter she started to ask questions about my wedding. She proceeded to ask if I had a wedding cake. I answered her, "yes" and she then asked if she would have a wedding cake when she married Logan. I asked her if she wanted one? To which she replied that they would have to have two. One that was princesses and one that was superheroes. Even at the age of 5 she understands the concept of a grooms cake. She cracks me up. Lover her to pieces!

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