Sunday, May 12, 2013

All She Wants To Do Is Dance

This past week has been a DANCE extravaganza! Richland Dance was putting on their Spring Rectial May 10th and 11th. So we had to be there for dress rehearsal on Tuesday and Thursday and then for the real deal on Friday and Saturday. Leah performed last year and I knew she was confident and ready to go. But this was Kiersten's first time on the stage. She is outgoing as can be, but I didn't know how she would do. But she did great...they both did. At the Tuesday dress rehearsal Leah was sitting in the front row with her class so when Bug got on stage she started yelling to me "Mom, I found I Leah!" It cracked me up, but then she got right to business with her routine. She twirled and hopped and was wonderful. When it was all done she kept saying "I want to do more ballet."

Leah was so confident walking on to the stage. Her class did a tap routine. She shuffled stepped all over that stage with the biggest smile on her face. Thursday night they were so well behaved and smiled wonderfully for pictures. I can't wait to get them! Friday night they were so excited that Gigi and Papa were coming to watch them. And they were adorable on stage. When Kiersten was done with her dance and everyone was exiting the stage she stayed behind to do extra curtsies. More than one person told me that she stole the show. And Leah was awesome. In perfect step the entire routine. I couldn't wait to hug her when it was all through. As the night ended Gigi and Papa gave each of the girls a bouquet of flowers and they were over the moon. They thought they were pretty special and they were right...they are!

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