Tuesday, December 22, 2015


4...thats how many years now I have done Gingerbread cookies with the girls. It's become our thing. They know when Christmas gets near I am going to do this activity for sure. And as much as I don't love it...I do. Its a horrible mess, and it takes a long time. But they LOVE, LOVE, LOVE to decorate! They get so excited using the cookie cutters and then watching me try to get them off the counter in one piece so I can place them on the cookie sheet. This is their chance to make delicious little masterpieces!

One day when they are older, I will ask if they want to make Gingerbread...the answer will be no, and I will be sad. So for the time I have them, I will live in the moment. I won't worry about the mess. I won't worry about the calories...and I will smile and admire their little creations. I may even eat one or two while I'm at it!

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