Thursday, December 31, 2015

Minnesota Merriment

Getting through the holidays was a whirlwind. I mean, we flew home on Wednesday and left Thursday morning. It didn't help things that our flight was about 5 hours late leaving Phoenix. So needless to say, I didn't get the luggage from Arizona unpacked...and so my Camera didn't make it to Minnesota.

We stopped to see Grandma Fran briefly on our way up. The girls just love stopping to see her, and they love playing with her puppy Bella. Mitch is so lucky to still have her. She is one bright whippersnapper! And can certainly carry on a conversation. We stayed at a hotel in Eau Claire that night and headed to Montevideo the next morning. We arrived a little before 1 and settled in for lunch. Shortly after, Lori, Justin and Lexi arrived.

Lori decided we needed something to do so we went Bowling. I think the girls, as well as the grown-ups had a good time! And it was so nice to get out of the house and let the girls move their bodies after so much sitting and traveling.

On Saturday Todd and Shelby arrived, so we were able to celebrate Christmas. We had all the normal festivities...Christmas Dinner, Opening presents and of course our gag gift exchange! We don't get nearly enough time with our nieces and nephews...but we'll take what we can get!

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