Saturday, March 4, 2017


This weekend the #2 seems to be popping up a lot. It's two weeks since Bugs accident and what a difference two weeks has made. She isn't 100% but the bruising and swelling is significantly better. And her little spirit has been lifted which is so good to see. She reached a big goal in AR. She hit 50 points and got her second gift card for a free meal at Texas Roadhouse. And then Leah continues to run with Mitch every Saturday. Today she said she hit 2.22 miles. So yeah...#2

We figured the girls definitely earned a trip to Texas Roadhouse. Since we had two free kids meals it seemed like as good a time as any. They loved it. They always get excited when we go to a restaurant. Because we don't do it often. Afterwards we went to MC running shoes, equipment for softball which will be starting soon. The weekends are full and we wouldn't have it any other way. I keep reminding myself that my time with them is short, too short.

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