Monday, May 8, 2017

Leah's Birthday Celebration

Leah, Haley Garber, Audrey Brent and Faith Roundcount
Once again, this girl wanted a sleepover for her birthday party. Finding a time to do it was a challenge, but it happened this weekend! I had some fund stuff planned for the girls, but they had fun stuff of their own planned! They were thrilled just to jump on the trampoline and be silly. They were in the basement giggling for hours. And I must have seen about 4 dozen snapchats show up over the course of the night.

Everyone arrived around 5 pm. I wanted to get the craft done right away. We were doing tie-dye T-shirts and pillow cases. The girls did great...and they turned out really well. The pillow cases weren't cotton and were a little bit of a fail, but fun all the same. We had pizza for dinner, and we had a DQ Ice Cream cake for the first time. The girls played Pie Face and Chubby Bunny and I'm sure a good time was had by all. The girls all wore their shirts to school the next day and are planning to wear them to play day. I love that Leah has such a good group of friends!

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