Monday, July 10, 2017

Cousin Love

After we returned from California we soaked up as much cousin fun as we could. On Sunday we went to church with Aunt Laura, Uncle Jeff and the girls and then out to lunch. After the girls naps we met them at the pool and then cooked dinner out at the house. On Monday we hit up the Y again. Leah loved being able to work out with her pass. And then we spent Monday afternoon at the pool again!

Tuesday the Omni was having some extra fun at the pool. The girls had a blast with the Jenga game and really loved the water balloon fights. They also got to enjoy their first chaco taco! Later they got to swim with Tony and Cece again while I went to a massage appointment. The highlight of that swim was when Tony pulled a dead squirrel out of the tank, yuck!!! That night we dressed up in our red, white and blue, picked up some Pizza's for dinner before heading over to see the family. After dinner we found a spot and got settled in for some fireworks. It was Nat and Jo's first time and they did great. I think it helped that they had cousins to watch with! It was a great trip and we are so glad that they are coming to Illinois in a few weeks so we can have some more family fun!

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